Friday, Mar 15, 2019
The South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice, under the leadership of Director Freddie Pough, is preparing to fundamentally shift the way the agency serves youth, families and victims in South Carolina. Through the process of "Regionalization," DJJ will serve committed youth in smaller facilities closer to their home communities, as opposed to them all residing in centralized, distant state facility.
Last Fall, Director Pough hosted town halls in the Upstate and Low Country regions. This Spring, he's hosting town hall meetings in the Midlands and Pee Dee regions for the general public, lawmakers, community partners and media to learn more about the agency's Regionalization plan.
Midlands Town Hall Meeting
Tuesday, April 2nd, 6 p.m.
DJJ Broad River Road Complex
4900 Broad River Road
Columbia, SC 29212
Pee Dee Town Hall Meeting
Tuesday, April 23rd, 6 p.m.
Florence-Darlington Technical College
2715 W. Lucas Street
Florence, SC 29501