Standards Management encompasses the areas of Performance-based Standards (PbS) and Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). The role of Standards Management is to promote a culture of excellence through continuous data-driven improvement and accountability.

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

The South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice has a zero-tolerance standard for sexual abuse, sexual harassment or sexual misconduct of any form against our youth or staff. The Agency has worked diligently to develop and integrate a safe system of care for our youth. All staff and youth are trained continuously on the importance of maintaining safe environments that are free from any type of sexual misconduct or sexual abuse. DJJ follows the Federal Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) and Juvenile Facility Standards, which sets standards for preventing, detecting, and reporting sexual abuse and sexual harassment. PREA was enacted by Congress in 2003 is a Federal law established to address the elimination and prevention of sexual assault and rape in correctional systems. PREA applies to all federal, state, and local prisons, jails, police lock-ups, private facilities, and community settings such as residential facilities.

Contact: Niaja J. Kennedy, Standards Manager, (803)896-6344,

Division of Investigative Services Hotline: 1-866-313-0073

Performance-based Standards (PbS)

In the agency's push toward continuous improvement, The South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice participates in Performance-based Standards (PbS), a data-driven improvement model substantiated by extensive research. PbS supports juvenile justice agencies, facilities and residential care providers in their effort to ensure the highest standards are being met for operations, programs and services. PbS believes youth-serving agencies should be challenged to deliver effective and safe rehabilitation and re-entry services. PbS also provides uniform data collection and reporting tools that show the impact of the services to youth, staff and families. The overall mission of PbS is to improve conditions of confinement and treatment services provided to incarcerated youth, by utilizing national standards and outcome measures.

PbS Glossary of Terms (PDF) | PbS Quarterly Reports

South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice

Proviso 117.71 (GP: Fines and Fees Report)

Fiscal Year 2022

Local Effort

Appropriation Act:

67.12. (DJJ: Local District Effort) Upon commitment or confinement to a Department of Juvenile Justice facility, the school district in which that child resides shall pay an amount equivalent to the statewide average of the local base student cost (thirty percent), multiplied by the appropriate pupil weighting set forth in Section 59-20-40, for instructional services provided to out-of-district students to the Department of Juvenile Justice for the time period in which the child is committed or confined to a department facility. EFA funding for school districts is provided for a one hundred eighty-day school year. The billing provided by the department shall be calculated by dividing the local base student cost by two hundred twenty-five days to determine the daily rate. The department shall notify the school district in writing within forty-five calendar days that a student from the nonresident district is receiving education services pursuant to this provision. The notice shall also contain the students name, date of birth, disabling condition if available, and dates of service.

The invoice shall be paid within sixty days of billing, provided the department has provided a copy of the invoice to both the superintendent and the finance office of the school district being invoiced. Should the school district fail to pay the invoice within sixty days, the department can seek relief from the Department of Education. The Department of Education shall withhold EFA funding equal to the billing from the district refusing to pay and submit the funding (equal to the invoice) to the department. If adequate funding is not received, the department shall have the flexibility to use funds from other programmatic areas to maintain an appropriate level of service.

Fiscal Year 2022 revenue received by source:


Juvenile Detention Services

South Carolina Code of Laws:

63-19-1610. Exclusive care; payment by local governments for use of facilities.

From the time of lawful reception of a child by the Department of Juvenile Justice and during the child's stay in custody in a correctional institution, facility, or program operated by the department, the child shall be under the exclusive care, custody, and control of the department. All expenses must be borne by the State except local governments utilizing the juvenile detention services provided by the Department of Juvenile Justice must pay the department a per diem of fifty dollars a day per child. The department may apply the remainder of the funds generated by this item, if any, to operational or capital expenses associated with juvenile services provided by the department. If adequate funding is not received, the department shall have flexibility to use funds from other programmatic areas to maintain an appropriate level of service.

Fiscal Year 2022 revenue received by source:


PACE Proviso Report FY 2022-23

Proviso 117.21 of the FY 2022-23 Appropriations Act requires each state agency receiving funds that are a direct appropriation for a non-profit organization to obtain a plan for how the funds will be expended by the organization and how the expenditures will provide a public benefit prior to disbursing the funds. Additionally, the proviso forbids the disbursal of funds to organizations or purposes which practice discrimination against persons by virtue of race, creed, color or national origin.  The proviso further directs that the organization shall provide quarterly expenditure reports to the respective state agency.  After all funds have been expended, the state agency shall report the information provided by the organizations to the South Carolina Department of Administration’s Executive Budget Office (EBO), Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee by June 30th. 

SC DJJ Proviso Report FY 2023-24