Birchwood School

DJJ's Birchwood School is a comprehensive middle and high school that offers male and female students in grades 4 through 12 a variety of Career and Technology Education (CATE) and academic courses. The school is accredited by Cognia and has completed the High Schools That Work reform model review. It was the first school in the nation to have an Army JROTC program inside a correctional institution. The school offers a multitude of college credit programs as it partners with colleges including Allen University, South Carolina State University, Voorhees University and Spartanburg Community College.

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Evaluation Centers & Detention Center

Juveniles, by law, are required to continue their education when they are sent to one of DJJ’s three regional evaluation centers or our pre-trial Detention Center in Columbia. The curriculum at these centers is aligned with the South Carolina Curriculum Standards and is designed to maintain the juveniles’ eligibility for required attendance and credits toward promotion and graduation.

Image removed.The SCDJJ School District provides educational services in three regional evaluation centers. These evaluation centers (Coastal Evaluation Center in Ridgeville, Midlands Evaluation Center in Columbia, and Upstate Evaluation Center in Union) serve students in the classroom and serve family court in evaluating the individual needs of the students.

The Detention Center is a facility in which students are provided core curriculum educational services while awaiting trial for their offense. The curriculum is aligned with the South Carolina Curriculum Standards and is designed to maintain the juveniles’ eligibility for required attendance and credits towards promotion and graduation