Priscilla Pee has been named Deputy Director of Security and Operations. With almost 40 years of juvenile justice experience, Deputy Pee has held numerous positions. She began her career as a Juvenile Correctional Officer and served SCDJJ in a variety of positions, including Captain of Security, Major of Internal Training, Interim Facility Administrator, Juvenile Relations Coordinator, Quality Assurance Specialist and Management Review Administrator. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Francis Marion University and a Master of Arts in Forensic Psychology from Argosy University. She is also a graduate of the South Carolina Certified Public Manager (CPM) program, a nationally accredited management and leadership development program.
Division of Security and Operations
The Division of Security and Operations is responsible for the security and safety of DJJ facilities, to include oversight of the evaluation centers (CEC, MEC and UEC), the Juvenile Detention Center (JDC), DJJ's long-term facility, the Broad River Road Complex (BRRC), and the Centralized Institutional Operations Center (CIOC). Another aspect of the Division is classification services, to include coordinating internal multi-disciplinary staff and oversight of youth placement, movement, and transportation within and outside of DJJ facilities. Security and Operations is also responsible for dietary facilities and admission and orientation of youths. Safety and emergency preparedness, as well as administrative operations, are the responsibility of this division.