What is Restitution?

When someone suffers property damage or physical, emotional, or psychological harm through the wrongful conduct of a juvenile, the victim may be entitled to reimbursement for damages as part of a juvenile court case. This is referred to as restitution. 

Why is Restitution Important?

Restitution may help a victim recover from a financial hardship as the result of wrongful conduct. Restitution is intended to hold an offender accountable and is an important part of the juvenile justice system. Restitution provides youth with a concrete mechanism by which they can make amends to society and take an active role in accepting responsibility for their behavior.

How is Restitution Decided?

A judge may order restitution or a County Case Manager (Intake Officer, Probation Officer, Parole Officer or Intensive Supervision Officer) can recommend restitution for the juvenile. After reviewing information about damages to any victims, the judge decides the amount of restitution the juvenile will be required to pay.  

How are Restitution Payments Made?

Restitution is due as soon as possible, as it is a condition of supervision. If a juvenile is unable to pay the full amount immediately, his/her Probation Officer will determine a suitable payment plan and can even help the juvenile find a job to assist in affording payments. Payments cannot be made directly to victims, but must come through the DJJ Fiscal Affairs Office via Money Order, Cashier's Check, or by using the online payment processing service (button located in the top right section of this page). Regardless of payment method, Fiscal Affairs records the payment and a check is then mailed to the victim.